He also offers support groups for men about their fatherhood choices. Certified by the National Partnership for Community Leadership, Delvyn educates fathers by utilizing evidence based curriculums that's been federally examined to provide sustainable outcomes for fathers and their families. Delvyn identifies the barriers facing fathers and families, and helps them come up with strategic goals that can aid them in bettering their situations. 

"Teaching Fatherhood"

​Short Film

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Fatherlessness effects everyone

"author, speaker, responsible family fatherhood life coach"

Above: Public Broadcast Station (PBS) Photo of Delvyn with his sons Cyrus & Cade

Growing up in a fatherless home can mean dire consequences for many children.  Here are some statistics that show how children are affected.

Delvyn's mission is to teach men how to be responsible fathers in a community where two out of three children are raised by single mothers.  He facilitates the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, and tries to model the positive impacts that come along with father engagement.  Delvyn encourages and empowers men from all walks of life to become responsible fathers and to develop healthy relationships that'll influence the growth of their children.

Father's are critical to the foundation of each family. They are teachers and coaches.  They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it.

                                - 44th President Barack Obama

  • 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
  • 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
  • 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes.
  • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
  • 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.
  • 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes. 
  • ​Children in father-absent homes are almost 4 times more likely to be poor
  • ​Adolescents in father-absent homes are more likely to report being sexually active compared to adolescents living with their fathers.